Saturday, 29 January 2011

Big D's Exeter Harriers Blog!

Welcome to My Blog on the best athletics club in the South West,
The Might Exeter Harriers.
      On This Page i will be updating our latest exploites in the BAL Division 2 2011 Season.
My Mighty Right Arm at the BAL D3 Match at Winchester 2010

Harriers Team at Yate, Bristol 2007.

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This Pic on the left is for the older Members of Harriers who remember that team size dont matter when your small team has an Abundance of Talent and Gritt! like our team back in 2001.

This is the Face of True Harriers Gritt and Effort.


The Passion of Great Effort for his Team.

And Even in the worst of Conditions, Exeter Athletes will always give 100%.